Thursday, August 27, 2015

I'm not ready to have children/kids yet

I was thinking about writing an article similar to the one linked above. The link to the article talks about some of the signs why men may not be ready to have kids. I don' I'm think ready to have kids yet. Of the 6 signs in the article, I would fit number 2. Why? I find myself not having any interest in other people's kids. I may also fit number 3. Not having enough money to take care of one. I could have a job, but that doesn't mean I would have enough money to take care of a child. Kids are expensive. I could be careful with the money and not have enough. I would probably have to have a raise, a better paying job and see if can put away enough money before I have kids. I could fit into the one about the childless male friends. And the ones that do have kids might tell you I am not ready to children either. Don't get mad if they do say that. What if I told you the same thing beforehand or did you not listen.

Other signs (that I've could think of off the top of my head)? Yes there are:

  • If I were to have sex with a woman, I put on a condom and ask her to take a birth control pill (even if she is ready kids). This go on until there is enough money in the bank or something else.
  • Avoiding talking about having kids at cost. Need I say more. And I may need to get to know you beforehand lady.
  • What if I think I need to mentally grow up more? That's right. What if that happens? It doesn't the guy is telling a lie if says that he needs to mentally grow up first. If it ends up being true (as to one of the reasons why he's not ready to have kids), back off and wait a while. Think about why the guy said that about himself and think about what you seen him do in the past as an adult.
  • Another one could be not being ready to have my freedom restricted. Kids take up time. I'm might want to figure out what I'm willing to give up before I have this child.
I'll probably be back to clarify some stuff.